Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I have commitment issues.

Here's my plot at the community garden.

Yes, the one with the huge, Wolfman-size footprints in it. Hey, I have a very lovely, petite size 8 going on - and they just tilled, okay?

So, I've had this plot for a few weeks, and have been very excited to get going on my planting. Notice I said HAVE BEEN. It seems the 'community' part of the community garden bugs me a little. It could be because I don't like to share or maybe it's that my neighbors there on the left, with the raised bed and the fancy artichoke plant, are sorta anal and not very friendly.

They have this seed corn growing right on our "property line" and they didn't bother to put a sign there or anything, so when I put up the fence on that line they bawled me out for it. And by bawl me out, I mean they asked if I'd move my fence... But it was the way they said it - irritated, like I should've KNOWN by osmosis or something that there was corn under the ground on the line.
It was not very community-ee feeling, let me tell you.

Needless to say my excitement has dwindled. I can't decide what I want to plant there. I go and look at the spot, but that's it. I'm feeling very passive - and slightly passive aggressive. (but only to the neighbors on the left)
Whatever my hang up is, I've decided to give the project over to the kids.

They get to pick what we grow there - and plant it! They get to deal with the neighbors on the left - and maybe bawl them out at some point when that seed corn grows so tall it blocks our sun!
You know the rules state 'nothing that grows over 6 feet can be planted there.'
I may have ti shoot a little extra water their way, maybe some compost...
Take that.

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