Monday, May 3, 2010

It's time to COMPOST people!

Composting is so awesome!
-It cuts down on waste - diverting food-scraps/brown bags/wet paper towels/egg shells, coffee grounds etc away from landfills where it will decompose anaerobically (without air), producing methane, a greenhouse gas 20 times more dangerous than carbon dioxide.
-Creates amazing organic fertilizer
-Is an excellent lesson for the kiddos in recycling/waste management/helping the environment.

Here in Los Angeles, you can listen to an hour long lecture on composting, buy your composter for about 40ish bucks, then take it home and get started. It's as easy as that.
Here's the link if you're interested:

Note 1: It's best to have your composter on soil so the worms can crawl up into the bin, but composting on concrete or tarmac is getting more common. All you need to do is put a layer of paper and twigs or existing compost on the bottom of your bin so the worms and other creatures can colonize.

Note 2: You don't need a traditional composter either. My dad made a large wooden box with slats, no top and they just dump stuff in there!
Here is a link to a few make-ur-own bins!

Good luck!

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