Sunday, March 28, 2010

SEEDS Part One

Things have been a little busy around here, but there's always a few moments for seeds, right? This project takes all of 10 minutes, and is very simple and satisfying to the young gardener.
***If you live in a warm climate, you can leave these outside. If not, find a warmish spot in your house and let them hang out for a week or two until they sprout.

We're going to start with the first of three methods Greenie, Little Manster and I are using for planting seeds. We found this nifty soil pod thing at the garden store, and it rocks - it even has its own cover to keep the moisture in.

To start, put the pod tray down in front of someone with a hose. Then give 'em some water and they quickly puff up nice and pretty.

Little Manster chose to use this method. He planted his zucchini on one side.

Then his watermelon on the other...

Water it again, but don't go crazy - we don't want the seeds to drown. Then put the top on and label it. Easy peasy...

You'll see shoots in 5-10 days. but while you wait, let the gardener muck around in the mud for awhile. He'll love you forever!

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